
ETD File Conversion Process

.轉檔工具:需使用Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro為轉檔工具,請同學到裝有上述軟體程式的電腦進行轉檔,如:各所系辦、圖書館或雲端教室等。

I. File Conversion tool: To convert your thesis into PDF, you need access to Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro or higher. You may convert the files at department offices ,the library, or Cloud Lab System.



II. Upload: Contents to be uploaded include the cover, Chinese & English abstracts, acknowledgements, table of contents, context, references and appendixes.



III. Notice: Your thesis needs to be converted to a single PDF file containing your entire thesis. Before converting, please scan your file for viruses with anti-virus software.



IV. Instructions to convert your thesis:

1.   開啟論文Word

1.Open the document in Word


2.The way of conversion

(1)[檔案] [另存新檔] [PDF]

(1) [File] [Save as] [PDF file]



(2)選擇另存PDF檔案的位置,然後按 [存檔]

(2) Set the destination that you want to save at, and Click [Save]



3. After the conversion is completed, your thesis will open in PDF automatically.


4. Combine multiple Word files into a single PDF-file.

(1)首先需開啟PDF檔,再在[File]功能鍵中選取[Create PDF],再按[Merge Files into a Single PDF](如下圖所示)

(1) Start Adobe Acrobat. From the File menu, choose [Create PDF]→ [Merge Files into a Single PDF]

[Add Files]把每個論文PDF檔新增進來。點選檔案,按下下方[Move Up][Move Down]調整排序、[Remove]來刪除檔案,確認
[Combine Files]

(2) Click [Add Files] to select all of your thesis files. Use the buttons below [Move Up] & [Move Down] to arrange your files in
          correct order; [Remove] to delete files. Click [Combine Files] to combine several files in a single PDF file.



(3) Rename your new file, then click [Save].

5.轉檔完成後,接著新增浮水印。到 [Document] 選擇 [Watermark]中的[Add]

5. After the conversion is completed, please insert the watermark image. Please click [Document]→ [Watermark]→ [Add]



(1) Source:  To add in a watermark in your thesis, choose [File] and press [Browse] to open the watermark file.

(2)頁面範圍:選擇[Page Range Options]中的[All Pages],按下[OK]

(2) Page Range:  Set page range by following steps: [Page Range

(3)位置Location:選擇[Appear Behind Page]

(3) Location:  Choose [Appear Behind Page]


(4)Confirm:  Click [OK]

 7.新增浮水印完成後,按 [儲存] 就完成整個論文轉檔的流程,可以準備上傳論文

7. After adding the watermark, the process of thesis conversion will be completed when you click [Save]. You are ready to upload your thesis in PDF file.



8.There is no need to encrypt your file before uploading the file. We will encrypt the files for you.

